Friday, February 6, 2009

Make Money Online - Unique Article Wizard Review

Lately I've been running some experiments with Unique Article Wizard. If you're into doing article distribution to get links for your sites you will absolutely love this service. There are quite a few differences between this tool and other services that distribute articles.

Unique Article Wizard allows you to submit unique versions of articles to a fairly large network of sites. Most of my submissions get sent to at least 1,000 different sites and depending on which categories you want to submit to they could get sent to even more.

I wanted to do a Unique Article Wizard review with this post but honestly I couldn't possibly do a better one than Court from Court's Internet Marketing School already did. You can read his review here: Unique Article Wizard Review. He's done some case studies and it's some seriously good stuff. Even if you aren't interested in the service you'll learn a ton by reading his review. Court also provides a bonus video for people that buy the service through his affiliate link.

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