Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Make Money On The Internet With A Fast Food Coupon Site?

Today I was taking a look at some different sites I might buy and came across a very interesting one that you can find here: fast food coupons. The funny thing about the site is that right now it doesn't have any fast food coupons, just a basic page that tells what they are. Apparently fast food coupons are somewhat hard to find, but quite a few people look for them. I guess getting a discount on a $3 burger is pretty important to some people.

After looking into it, fast food coupons is actually a niche that's quite decent. It's not like you're going to retire from it, but honestly it doesn't look that hard to crack. The ideal would be if there was some kind of affiliate program that gave better commissions for people that wanted fast food discounts but so far I haven't really been able to find such a thing. Anyway in my travels I have found that coupon sites can often do quite well so I thought I would throw it out there as an idea.

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