Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Newbie Bloggers Confuse Me

Sometimes I really wonder why noobs tell everyone that they're noobs. I personally don't want to learn how to make money from someone that would classify themself as a beginner. I want to learn from someone who has been around the block twenty or thirty times.

That said, I have found some great sites about blogging and other topics that were started by people who aren't that experience. However, I think that the branding would be a lot more powerful if they told everyone that they were experts instead of beginners. Just my two cents.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Court Rips Large SEO Business

I just had to laugh this week when I saw Court rip Orange Soda's SEO business. I don't really know a ton about SEO yet so I have to keep reading Maki, Court and Griz. However, I do know that I wouldn't really hire these guys. There's a guy named Alex who left some comments on the post and honestly, he made it sound like all they care about over there is selling. He was pretty dang proud of how big they have gotten, of course that has nothing to do with how good they are at SEO. Very interesting stuff.